Return & Exchange Conditions
If you want to return your orders before receiving them, do not take delivery of the package when the product reaches you, but return the product to the cargo company without opening the package.
If you want to return/change your order after receiving it, within 14 days; By specifying your order number and the full name of the product to be returned in the contact section on our site; If you want to make a change, please contact us by writing the full name of the product you want to buy new. The shipping cost of the product to be returned/changed belongs to the buyer.
Returns/Exchanges Covered Products
The product you will return/exchange must be undamaged, unused and not damaged as a result of misuse.
You can send the product/products you want to return/exchange with all accessories and original box by covering the shipping costs.
Open the products that you think are damaged during shipment in front of the company representative; If it is damaged, do not take delivery of the product by keeping a record.
The cost of the returned product/products is returned according to your payment method, after checking the compliance with the return conditions from the moment the products reach the warehouse.
Depending on your bank, it may take a few days for you to see your refund on your credit card.
Return/Exchange of Defective Products
If you want to return/change the defective product/products after receiving your order, within 30 days; By specifying the problem of the product, your order number and the full name of the product to be returned, from the communication section on our site; If you want to make a change, please contact us by writing the full name of the product you want to buy new. If there is no problem with the product due to use, your return process will take place.